
"Each one must give as he had decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."  2 Corinthians 9:7

Why we Give

The local church is a localized expression of the people of God who are deeply committed to one another and devoted to the well-being of the family of God and the mission of God.  For this reason God calls us in this family to sacrifice for the health of our community and our mission.  This sacrifice is displayed in many ways, but one clear biblical expression of such service is through our giving.

The fact is, Jesus talked about money more than any other topic except for eternity.  He did this, not because He needs our money or because the church is dependent upon our giving in order to sustain it’s ministries, but because Jesus cares deeply about our hearts.  We see giving as both an act of service for the church and its mission and an act of worship before God.

Ways to Give

In Person

On Sunday, place checks or cash in the offering basket as it goes by during service.


You can give a one-time gift or setup recurring donations online using a checking account, savings account, credit card, or debit card.


Checks can be made out to Aletheia College Park and mailed to:

P.O. Box 656
College Park, MD 20741