About Aletheia College Park Church
Our Vision
Cultivate Gospel-Centered Community -- Acts 2:42-47
The Gospel does not only rescue us individually from the just wrath of God, but it also adopts us into a family. From the beginning God has carried out His plan of redemption and renewal through His people. Therefore, it is not only vital to our personal walk with Christ that we immerse ourselves in biblical community, but it is also vital to our mission as the church. We believe that this Gospel message is most clearly proclaimed and embodied in the context of biblical community. Therefore we will strive to create a culture where our people do life together and invite those who do not know Christ along on the journey.
Engage The World With The Good News: Romans 10:13-15
The Gospel message redeems a people, through whom the message is then taken to the world. Every believer that has been rescued by the grace of the cross has also been given the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:19). This ministry is not an event but a lifestyle that encompasses how we interact with those where we live, work and play. This call is for every member to live life with gospel-intentionality in the natural rhythms of their life so that through their witness God can work through His people to rescue others and restore all things to Himself.
Restore Our City -- Revelation 21:5
As believers we live in the tension of what has been fully completed in the work of Christ on the cross and the reality of still living in a broken world. However, our hope is in the future grace of God’s completed work of renewal in His creation. We understand that we are expressions of this work in the world we live in. Therefore, we will strive through both our organic and intentional interactions with our city to make College Park a clearer expression of the renewing work of our Creator.
Core Values
Aletheia College Park is a church that was planted out of a heart for church planting by Senior Pastor Rob Stephens in 2013. For more information on our Senior Pastor and the other leadership check out the link here
What We Believe
The Gospel means “Good news” and we believe it is a good news that changes all of life. The good news only makes sense when you understand this whole story of creation. The Scriptures tell us that in the beginning God created everything and it all existed in perfect harmony with God and man (Genesis 1-2). But this harmony was shattered when man essentially decided to worship himself over God (Genesis 3, Romans 1:24-25). When man made this tragic decision all of creation was broken. Our relationship with our Creator, our relationship with each other and our relationship with all of creation was marred, but God promised to send a rescuer. That rescuer was God’s Son, Jesus Christ, Who came humbly as a baby into this world, lived the life we could never live and died the death that we should have died. He paid the debt that was owed to holy God on our behalf, and now, through Jesus, all who believe through faith and repentance can have a redeemed relationship with God and be new creations in this broken world. Not only do we have this hope now, but we rest in the promise of His return when Jesus will finish the restorative work of this earth and make all things new (Revelation 21:1-5). This message is certainly good news to all who believe.
We affirm the Bible as the final authority in all matters of faith and practice. In addition, we partner with and affirm the doctrinal statements of: